A few items for Carol Tevis , who appeared in the "Blondes and the Redheads" series and other comedy films of the thirties, as well as providing voices for Minnie Mouse and the Munchkins in THE WIZARD OF OZ.
Carol Tevis at top left.
A "Blondes and Redheads" item in the lower left hand column.
Review of CONTENTED CALVES on lower right.
An article about movie stars on the radio, including Carol Tevis.
Carol Tevis mentioned as being on CBS.
Carol Tevis mentioned in this article, along with many other movie stars.
Carol Tevis is mentioned in the upper part of the column on the right side of this page.
Will Rogers, a top star of the thirties who had worked for Roach in the silent era, is mentioned in the lower part of the column on the right.
Irvin S. Cobb, who worked with Will Rogers and made some short subjects for Hal Roach, is mentioned at the start of this page.
The Blondes and the Redheads series:
Carol Tevis: